Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Makeover that will break walls


The trials of trying to fit in
Fit into a place. You will never belong.
 consider to be physically unattractive
You are unable to accept how ugly you are.
To pride your self of how stupid you look.

To hide the fact. That your Skin is now flaws.
That you try and change your butt, but make it unflattering.
All those thing you tried to do to your bodies. 

But are still unable to look like us.
That you can't look Picture Perfect.
That you can measure you to people like us.

This is what makes us better than you.
Who is better, you ask?
Picture Perfect is, time to take over 


I wake up on a Wednesday day. It's a beautiful day. You can believe it  the nice breeze. Makes you want to have sex. You don't feel that way? Hell it feels that good to me. But let's be for real here. We are in the Picture Perfect Hotel room. But not just any Hotel room it is a Penthouse suite. You know that Picture Perfect have to roll in style. 

I sprung out of my bed.heading right for the  balcony. I swing the doors open. Suddenly the nice wind rushes into the room. It feels amazing, on my half naked body. A body that everyone wants to claim, Do I feel happy about that?

Sure as hell I do.

But the wind start blowing through my hair. I begin to move my hair in bakc in place. But the wind feels so good. That I just like my hair blow out. My beautiful blonde hair. Only thing going through my mind right now is that I look hot as hell

All I can think about now I have to work out. I wonder do if Sarah wants to as well. We both have to be prepared for Impact. Whoever we are facing, even if it is against each other we have to be ready. This is a chance for one of us being a champion and bring gold. Right in Picture Perfect's hands. This is how we are going to start our revolution

I walk right into Sarah's room. I can tell that she is sleep. She is not much of a morning person. It will be a drag waking her up. But I will try. I being to slowly open her door. Which I see a knocked out Sarah on the bed. 

Ursula- Sarah wake up?

Some seconds pass. I move closer to her bed side.

Ursula- Sarah wake up.

But she is still sleep. I make a face and I yell

Ursula- Sarah Wake Up!!!

Sarah falls out of the bed. She gets up slowly rubbing her butt.

Sarah- What do you want Ursula. You know that I am not a morning person.

Ursula- Well I was wonder would you like to go to the gym?

Sarah starts rubbing her eyes.

Sarah- Why?

Ursula- Well, we do have a match on Impact. It's for the North Korean Title? As well. 

Sarah- Ursula? you know that the rest of the Impact roster don't even care about that title. That title is supposed to be the big title for Impact. But nobody is even going to try and claim it. Maybe beside you and me. It is so disappointing I have to say. Even the Impact is becoming meaningless. Every week. Have you seen the rating Ursula?

Ursula-Well no I didn't?

Sarah- Trust me, you don't want to at all. But don't worry Ursula. We will bring back the action to Impact.  You see, due to Warfare having to follow those PG rules. What kind of rating are they going to bring in at all?

Ursula- Well I guess none. Wow that sucks for them.

Sarah- That is what we plan on changing. We will make Impact have the rating that it should have.

Ursula- So mostly, we will be the two that will be facing. Each other for the North Korean Title. Why really? That sucks big time. But I really wanted to face other people too. But I am sure that, me and you. Will have to do the work. But who cares. As long we bring gold into Picture Perfect is all I am worried about 

Sarah- We didn't have to worry in the first place. The roster is not a big deal at all. But it was a nice try. We will see what management have in store. No telling what Shane will do. But lets face it. We are the best thing hitting Saturday Impact. We will the raising stars on Saturday. Because of us. Shane is able to make money. Do you know how he is making his money.

Ursula- Tell them Sarah.

Sarah- Because, the Impact fans. Come to see us that is why the ratings are so high now. 

Ursula- The so called talent that Saturday Impact is a shame. But it looks like there is no stars that want to step out of the shadow unlike me of course. I know Sarah is.

But I am here to make an impact and stand out of the shadows. Into the bright light. It is my time to main event. Everyone have been waiting for this. Which will happen. Not what Management say. I could care less what Shane thinks. 
If you think for one second Shane that you will stop me from achieving glory.

You are so damn wrong. 

Me and Sarah are top guns here. When you finally understand that. The better off you and Impact will be. You see, you can't count on the other stars. Which is the truth. None of them bring what we have to the table. Every night that we are in that ring . So get this through your head. If you think we are more than pretty faces in that ring. You are wrong. Not about the pretty face part though. 

But we will still kick everyone else ass in that ring as well. We can still be pretty can break those mother fuckers necks. But you want to know what I heard through the grape vine?

That Shane didn't want me anywhere near the spotlight. You want to know something Shane?

I could give two fucks about what you want. I have the heart to bring the fight in any match. You see not what you think. It's me and Sarah time in the spotlight. We are the top stars of this company. We are the hottest bitches on gods green earth.  

This is what makes us Picture Perfect.
This is why we are better than you.

Screen fades to black

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ursula sees the the bright light

Knowledge is power. - FRANCIS BACON, Meditationes Sacrae


I wake to a raining day. What crossed to my mind was? This will be a drag. I wouldn't say that I like the rain. But I kinda dislike it. It makes days feel so dull at the most. But you have to make it fun. Fun? is power, a power which someone creative could achieve so much. 

Like a painter, when he is creating a master piece. He takes some much time. To make every detail pop out. Which is the same way as becoming at cook. To be able to think outside the box. Using ingredients that nobody has ever used, to b prepare a dish. That was never created yet. 

Which leads to wrestling. Yes, wrestling a place where you be creative all you want. You design your self to be who you want. Wishing to never be judged by the likes of anyone. But everything never goes that way. People will judge you. But you think I give a fuck?

You right I don't I will still push on. Because Knowledge is power. You can say that I am not smart? Or that you can't understand me? But let's make this very clear to you. You know damn well people, don't understand most of the things you say. 

You make it sound that your good as gold. But you know damn well you are not nobody else. But I am learning everybody inside and outside of that ring. Becoming a great wrestler. If you haven't seen it yet. I promise you, that you will see it now.

But let's get back to what I was talking about. That dull rainy days can be fun.

Ursula places a finger on her chin. You can that see is in deep thought.

After a few minutes seen opens up. With Ursula playing the video game. On the right side of her she has a bowl of popcorn. 

Ursula: I am whopping ass. You think you are going to get ahead of me. You are sadly mistaken.

Is she really playing video games?

You damn right she is. What is there else to do? Plus I haven't played my baby for a minute. Why am I calling my system my baby? Because it is. That a short and sweet answer. But just like in video games. You could use cheat codes to win. But can you in wrestling?

Sure you can, You go with the stranded low blowing and eye racks. But you do what it takes to win. You have to be to change with your surrounding like a chameleon. You have to be able to Evolve. Which is a challenge for most. But it is time that Ursula Evolve. 

As I been to think about everything. That happened in my career. I did get Email about some modeling, which will be a new step for me. I never knew I was going to get a Email about modeling. But trust me ever since I was a young girl I thought about it. 

Seeing my name in lights. Me walking down the walk way. Trying on clothesline, that some of the best photographers will be. Taking some of the best poses and showing over that defines a amazing body. But the thoughts going through my mind,

Will I be any good at it? Will I be able to handle even more pressure? How would people react to me outside the ring? All these thoughts are going through my head. 
But I must try. I will not back down from this. This is a next step in my life as a woman. Which I will not pass up at all.

I sent a message through my Email. I stated that I would like to try it out. After a few day of waiting they finally Emailed me back. They sure and will send me the info. I can't wait this could be my shot at the big time.

Present day

Beauty is Picture Perfect

What is beauty? Well Beauty is a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight. Beauty is one of the many words. That defines Picture Prefect. You see me and Sarah Saint James. Made this tag team. Because we known, that we can make an impact alone. Don't get us wrong. We just figured, that we can achieve so much more as a team.

You guys must say. We will make a good team. Let's be honest here. We will be the best tag team XWF. Will ever have. We have the same thought on our minds. We want to be on top of the mountain here. Why not be the best tag team as well. Just look at us. We have the looks, talent, ability, intelligent and even the power. We will be a deadly match in that ring.

By the fact of us being the only two. Woman that made just a great impact as of late. Showing that in a males league. We can make up. We can handle our selves and still look sexy ass hell. It is a pain being so hot. I wonder so Sarah feel the same. 

Ursula walks over to a sleeping Sarah. Even though her hair was a mess. She still looked like a catch. A catch for any man to have. But will he be worth of time. Some of the beauty of her. We are true beauty. No matter what we look like when we walk up. We will still be beautiful.

Ursula tells Sarah to wait up. But Sarah doesn't listen. Ursula then yells at the top of her lungs. Sarah walks up quickly. Yelling what is wrong?

Ursula then tells Sarah. Ain't it hard looking beautiful? 

Sarah looks at Ursula with a dumb look on her face. This looks tells what she is thinking in her mind. 

Sarah- Well, duh Ursula. We always look beautiful. It will never change.

Ursula could only think. She is so right, since day one, everyone wanted us. When Sarah debut. Every man and woman wanted to be with her. But it seems they didn't match her taste. Someone like Sarah with brains and body. You will have the goods. Seem like there is nobody like that yet.

When I came into this company. Everyone wanted my body. A body that Sarah claims was crafted by god. Which I do agree with her. She is right, but looks be real when I came here. I plan on making a impact. Which I did, but I am not do yet. There is so much I have to do.

On upcoming Saturday Night event, the person that wins the match. Will be crowned the new Korean Champion. When was the last time I got a shot at a title? Will that was a long fucking time a ago. It was my first fucking match. That was the first time I got a shot at a title. I don't understand  at all. But this title right here. I won't let get go through my hands. I will win my first title in my XWF career. Even though I have to face my Picture Prefect teammate. We had agreed to set our alliance aside for that one night only. That me and her with out question bring everything we have in that ring. You see no matter if me or Sarah wins. As long the North Korean Champion is with Picture Prefect.

All I can say is, whoever else is in this match. You will have a fight on your hands. You are not fucking with the same Ursula. I am more focused now. I would like to thank Sarah for opening my eyes. To the the truth seeing the light. That stand before me, So I would make her break fest for two weeks.

I went to the  kitchen. I pulled out some eggs and bacon. I even went far by making pancakes. After hours of being in the kitchen. My masterpiece came out. Blueberry Pancakes, eggs and bacon. I hope Sarah likes it.

I call Sarah in the kitchen. She slowly walks in, she sees me wearing apron looking all sexy. She begins to speak with her pretty pink lips.

Sarah- What are you doing?

Ursula- Well I wanted to make you break fest. I grab the plate and set it on the wooden table. She sits down and looks at the plate fulled with food.

Sarah- It looks good.

She begins to pick up the fork and knife. She starting cutting the pancakes in pieces. The thoughts of will she like it going through my mind. She picks up a piece using the fork. She slowly motions the piece to her lips. She opens her mouth slowly. I don't know what to think She is about to taste it. She puts it in her mouth and chews. I wonder what she will say?

Sarah- It's great. You can cook good Ursula.

Ursula- I start feeling proud of myself. She really likes my cooking. But even though I made her break fest. Doesn't mean I wont try and beat her. Even though we are Picture Perfect we still know. That time and time we will have to face each other in that ring. You see unlike everyone else. I respect Sarah, she is a warrior just like me. Which will make the fight more epic.

I heard some secrets about management. But I will not enclose anything yet. But if management stands in my way in winning matches. I will have to prove it that I am the best in that ring. Me and Sarah will show that we are the best at what we do in that ring. Which is kicking ass and looking good while doing so.   

Did you see that Peter Gilmour have you seen that guy? He makes me sick. I say the samething goes for my friend Sarah as well.

Sarah-  You damn right that fat stack of shit. Makes me sick.

All I could do is laugh. She just came out of nowhere with that. I can see me and Sarah friendship going to great heights. But a goal that Picture Perfect will have to achieve. Is to became Tag Team champions. If he plan on being the Worlds hottest tag team in the world. We have to capture the titles. Which I feel sorry for Peter. 


I don't feel sorry for you. But don't worry Peter, we will get those titles off your hands won't we. You see Peter I know that there is no way. You can beat Sarah or me in singles action. Think about tag team action. We will not be able to win at all. You see if we have this match. We will win the battle and the war. We will leave you in that ring. The broken man you will always be in your career. So I hope you are ready to lose those title. Because there is no way in hell. I mean no way in Hell!!!. You will be better than Picture Perfect.  Becuase from now on. You Peter might a while everyone in XWF. Your are the personnel bitches of  Picture Perfect.

Be gratefully whores

Thank you this message was brought to you by Picture Perfect; We are off.

Ursula blows a kiss to the camera. Before it turns off